Thin Content: SEO Pointer on Panda-Proofing

How does thin content relate to SEO?

In our article on Google’s Panda, we mentioned thin content as it relates to SEO. If you were to look up just what this means, you would get a variety of answers, some much more technologically complicated than others. But basically, thin content is bad content, and following a few easy guidelines will go a long way in making you content all the more Panda-proof:


  • The general consensus really lands on common sense. You can have a page chock full of great information, but if it’s hidden away in text-heavy paragraphs no one will take the time to read it. Yes, so far Google can only analyze text, but you still want actual human traffic on your website. Graphics are not a no-no, and help draw the eye.


  • Content that is too short is just as bad, though. You do not want your content to be so scant that it doesn’t offer anything worth reading. Use the number of words necessary to get the job done, and follow two basic rules for technical writing: keep your paragraphs short, and bullets are your friend.


Bad information:Bad content is worse than no content. It’s one thing to get people to come to your site, and another altogether to get them to stay. Brief visits are not your goal, and your SEO efforts will suffer as a result. Offer your readers something good to latch on to, and if it’s something that has been said before, at least try to say with an original voice.

Copied content:  Obviously, plagiarism is discouraged. But don’t try to get away with cutting and pasting your own content in different places either. What Google and your readers want is something different if not outright original. Don’t insult them by repeating yourself verbatim.

Inaccurate grammar: Let’s face it – everybody makes mistakes. Chances are good that if you go back and look at my previous posts, you will find some. (No, I am not brave enough to take that challenge!) But we should try to respect the English language by using it properly. There is a big difference between the occasional grammatical mistake and making a complete hack job out of it.

Chances are that we will end up revisiting the subject of thin content and how it matters for SEO. But chances are also good the basic rules listed above will remain tried and true. Take the time for good SEO – avoid thin content and see your numbers grow.

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